Thursday, 9 July 2020

Hack The Box (invite challenge)

Hack The Box (invite challenge)

spoiler: i would recommend you to try the challenge yourself at first if you fail after  considerable times then only see this 
step 1:  
At first we open up the page which asks us for the invite code, using chrome or firefox dev tools in the network tab we can see that the page makes a request to  

step 2:

opening up the js file we can see many things listed there. It was obfuscated js code. Decoding the obfuscated code using a online jsbeautifier we get a function makeInviteCode. We open up the first page and in the cosole log enter the function makeInviteCode(). Passing that function and pressing enter would give you a return message which is  encrypted with the encryption type given alongside, decrypting the message using any online decrypter we get    ::   "In order to generate the invite code, make a POST request to /api/invite/generate" 

step 3:

Thus we fire up burp to modify our request, then turn on intercept in proxy tab then we open the page using our browser then modify the http request type to POST and then move to the web page revealing the http response gave us a Base64 encoded string, on decoding it we get the invite code 

the same could have been achieved without using burp use the following command 

$ curl -X POST 

this would reveal the response in your terminal then decoding the base64 encryption would give you the invite code

happy hacking, :-)

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